Over Color privacy policy Over Color respects the privacy of our users. We have created this privacy policy to inform you of how Over Color collects and uses information when you join our service. This policy addresses how Over Color uses your personal information., Profiles How Over Color Uses your Information We use your email address to contact you about offers and products that we think might be of interest to you as a Over Color user, and to provide updates and newsletters about our service. When you register at Over Color, you have the choice to opt out of receiving newsletters and offers from us. By participating in Over Color, your profile may also appear in a print ad or as a featured profile on our site. You can choose not to have your profile appear either in a print ad or as a featured profile. We may also gather information about our users to understand in the aggregate who is using the site, how they are using the site, to make improvements to the site and to provide statistical information to our advertisers. Over Color does send one email per month to verify at all emails are still active. If you do not receive the Verifying Email, log into your account, update your email and reactivate your account. All account with invalid emails are set to deactivate status. We do not share, rent or sell your personally identifiable information to third parties. We do contract with partner companies to perform functions for Over Color such as providing operational support for the service, fulfilling orders, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, processing credit card payments and providing customer service. Some of these partner companies may have access to your personal information as needed to perform their functions but they are not permitted to use your information for any other purpose.
Privacy Updates Any changes to the Over Color Internet privacy will be posted on this page. This privacy was last updated: 05/03/2011 |